Monday, April 27, 2020

Logon Screen information - SE61

How to change the initial Logon Screen Information in SAP Application Systems.

The use of SE61 T.code use is, we can notice on the screen about system configuration and component details, client environment details, and also technical support details as like as we described. The way we can find out easily the system information. Now, the following screenshots describe the how to set Welcome note information in SE61 t.code. 

Step 1: Log in to SAP Application System.

Step 2:Go to SE61 t.code

Step 3:Select Document class as “General Text” and language as “English”.

Step 4:Now give the Document name as “ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO” and then click on the create button.

Step 5: Now we can enter into Screen information page and select the first line, click on the enter button to take space to enter the data.

Step 6:Maintain the data as we need the system information.

Step 7:After completing the entering details go to document on the menu right click on save choose Active version.

Step 8:Here create an object in “Local Object”.

Step 9:Successfully SAP Application System logon screen information Maintained.